Rappresentanza di autori
Partita IVA IT12684630960

agenzia letteraria Italia da 2012

Agenzia di diritti
Libri, film e T.V.


Photo of Cristina Cerrada

is a doctor in Literary Studies by the Complutense University of Madrid, she is licensed in Theory of Literature and Comparated Literature by the Complutense University, Master in Literature Studies from Complutense University, and she is Sociology licensed by UNED. Cristina is writer and coordinator of narrative courses and different studios about creative writing Fuentetaja.

Among others, she has got NH narration 2002 award, Casa de América of Narrative 2003, Cajamadrid of narrative 2004, Ateneo Jóven of novel 2005, Lengua de Trapo 2008 and Ciudad de Barbastro 2010.

He has been included in different anthologies and compilations, like Cuento español actual (2014), Ángeles Encinar Edition and published by Cátedra. Pequeñas resistencias 5.Antología del Nuevo cuento español (2010), Andrés Newman’s edition and published by Páginas de Espuma, "Siglo XXI. Los nuevos nombres del cuento español actual” (2010), Gemma Pellicer and Fernando Valls edition and published by Menoscuarto publishing house.

She is autor of Noctánbulos (Lengua de Trapo, 2003), IV Casa de América Award; Compañía (Lengua de Trapo 2004), II Caja Madrid Award; Calor de Hogar, S.A. (Algaida, 2005), X Ateneo Joven of Sevilla Award, Alianzas duraderas (Lengua de Trapo 2007), La mujer calva (Lengua de Trapo 2008), XIV Lengua de Trapo Award, Anatomía de Caín (Baladi 2010), Cenicienta en Pensilvania (DVD 2010), XLI Ciudad Barbastro Award, Cosmorama (Tropo editors 2015) and the comedy El club Mythic (Éride 2015).