Rappresentanza di autori
Partita IVA IT12684630960

agenzia letteraria Italia da 2012

Agenzia di diritti
Libri, film e T.V.


Photo of Bodo Schäfer

At age 16 he emigrates to the USA. After visiting a Highschool in California he studies Law at university in San Francisco (USA) and Ciudad de Me?xico (Mexico). At age 26 he is in a personal crisis: His trade-company has financial problems, he is highly indebted.

Bodo Schäfer develops his personal strategy that he implements with

help of his mentors. Within 4 years he manages to live free from debts and is able to live on his interest. Bodo Schäfer decides to pass on his knowledge to other people. First he develops a series of seminars with an exceptional concept: He combines the issues financial planning and leadership with strategies for personal success. Goal is to enable seminar participants financial freedom and build a solid fortune.

He is a bestseller Author with over 3 millions copies sold worldwide. His works have been translated in 24 different languages.