Rappresentanza di autori
Partita IVA IT12684630960

agenzia letteraria Italia da 2012

Agenzia di diritti
Libri, film e T.V.


Photo of Julio Rodrigo Trigo

is a novelist and translator from Portuguese.

He is the author of La desaparición de Evelyn (1995), Fado (Premio Joanot Martorell, 1999) and El somni de Tàrraco (2009), among others.

He has been awarded with the Ausiàs March award for his poetry, as well as Miquel de Palol, Maria Mercè Marçal and Vicent Andrès Estellés. He has translated versions of X.M. Álvarez Cáccamo (Foc Blanc, 1994, for which he received the Premio Cavall Verd for poetic translation), Ana Hatherly, Mario Cesariny, Yolanda Castaño, José Cardoso Pires, Francesc Parcerisas or Eugenio de Andrade.

His ideas on literature can be found in L’extensió del temps (1997). He has contributed to various media such as Avui, El Temps, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, La Vanguardia, and El Periódico de Cataluña. El port del nou món is his most recent novel.