Rappresentanza di autori
Partita IVA IT12684630960

agenzia letteraria Italia da 2012

Agenzia di diritti
Libri, film e T.V.


Photo of Odile Fernández Martínez

Dr Odile Fernandez. Family doctor and survivor of an advanced ovarian cancer. Following her illness, she decided to investigate the relationship between cancer, diet, lifestyle and emotions. After compiling an extensive scientific information, she introduced important changes in her life and overcame life-threatening cancer. Now, from her experience and research, comes her book: Mis Recetas Anticáncer: alimentación y vida anticáncer. A book in which the author proposes that we take an active role regarding the disease, both in the prevention and healing. She gives us eating patterns and lifestyles, paying attention to the management of our emotions and psychological well-being to enhance self-healing ability of our body. In the book tells us what were their anticancer recipes, recipes of life that she served with the desire to be useful to all people with cancer.