Rappresentanza di autori
Partita IVA IT12684630960

agenzia letteraria Italia da 2012

Agenzia di diritti
Libri, film e T.V.


Photo of Silvia Soler

is a journalist and collaborates regularly with different media. Her first work is the compilation of short stories Arriben els ocells de nit, published in 1988. Thereafter, she releases as a co-author Ramblejar, a journey through the history of les Rambles of Barcelona. Since then, her production focuses on the novel, offering multitude of titles during the last twenty years: El son dels volcans, 39+1, L'edat en què una dona sap que l'home de la seva vida és ella mateixa, 39+1+1, enamorar-se és fàcil si saps com, Un creuer fora de sèrie, Una familia fora de sèrie, L’arbre de Judes. In 2003 she wins the Fiter i Rossell Prize with her novel Mira’m als ulls. In 2008 she gains the prestigious Prudenci Bertrana Prize with the book Petons de diumenge. This 2013 she has been awarded with the renowned and celebrated Ramon Llull Prize with L’estiu que comença.