Rappresentanza di autori
Partita IVA IT12684630960

agenzia letteraria Italia da 2012

Agenzia di diritti
Libri, film e T.V.

Secondo i criteri selezionati, rappresentiamo 3 opere in 
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La historia de una mujer que arriesgaba su vida contra los nazis en la II Guerra Mundial. Pirineos, años cuarenta. Sol Mentruit debe huir de su pueblo y refugiarse entre un grupo de contrabandistas en Andorra por haber presenciado un asesinato. Una vez allí, entra en una red de evasión en la que empieza a llevar documentación sensible al consulado británico de Barcelona. En medio de sus...
This is a story of love and friendship. The story revolves around Benet Enrich, the main character, born in Catalonia in 1931, and his friendship with a Scottish brigadier, George. They met during the Spanish Civil War and found each other again after more than thirty years. George’s voice, as a journalist for the Daily Telegraph, narrates the beginning and the end of the novel. Ironic with...
“R sat on the carpet beside the bed, just as he had seen him the night of the storm than a year earlier life had changed them both. He gasped and stared, motionless, as if in summer he lies in the sun on the deck, wrapped in heat. ” Sitting in a cafe one afternoon in early summer, Fer and his mother, Amalia, wait for a call that never comes. During the following hours, Fer will do...