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Partita IVA IT12684630960

agenzia letteraria Italia da 2012

Agenzia di diritti
Libri, film e T.V.


Santiago Posteguillo

350 pagine

Publius Cornelius Scipio was considered by many to be heir to the wonderful military traits that had been attributed to his father and uncle. However, along with these positive traits, he had also inherited some of their enemies: and it wasn’t only Hasdrubal, Hannibal’s brother, but also some within the Roman Empire,

who would be more than happy to see him dead. In a shrewd move to be free from the threat that the socalled Africanus seemed to pose, Quintus Fabius Maximus sends him to Sicily to command the boisterous and unruly V and VI Legions, which had been left and forgotten in the southern island. Digging deeply

into the realms of history and detail, Santiago Posteguillo weaves a portrait of the Roman hero, who is perhaps not as well known as his opponent, Hannibal, but who has a history that is just as passionate.

EDICIONES B, 2013/01
Invicta Legio
PIEMME, 2015/11